Elisa Barker Nutrition

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Why Do You Need Vitamin K?

Vitamin D is regularly in the news and rightly so!

Patients with Covid in Barcelona were taken outside for improved vitamin D status and health outcomes! In fact, the evidence of Vitamin D status improving Covid symptoms and outcomes is compelling, with several meta-analyses showing these results.

But what about Vitamin K? Studies have also shown that alongside Vitamin D, Vitamin K is also important for immune function and improved Covid outcomes. 

This fat-soluble vitamin has physiological functions in the body such as blood coagulation and bone metabolism but it also plays a role in our immune system and inflammatory response.

Vikamin K diagram

It is absolutely possible to get Vitamin K from our diet (in the case of taking Wayfarin, consultation with a qualified dietician or nutritional therapist is important). 

Because Vitamin K is fat-soluble it is best absorbed when eaten alongside healthy fats such as olive oil, oily fish, nuts and seeds. Sources included green leafy vegetables, kale, spinach and broccoli – the GREEN FOODS! 

Get those spring green salads and healthy dressings out!! Recipes to come soon on my Instagram!

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